Free energy: wiggle or vortex Energy without momentum Etheric or ether energy. Yes, ether is and can be energized How to go about it -- and why you have to sweat it yourself in more ways than one A lot of credit goes to Tesla |
Free energy is free by definition and there are no costs associated with it. At most the guy needs to get off the couch and put the TV plug into the socket with the 'Free' label right next to it. The startup costs, then, are minimal. So where is it? |
Essay Component |
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Rational Component with support links |
Free energy is talked about all over the Internet just as free samples are gratis all over TV. If everything were free and in abundance then it must be the greed of some awfully smart fiends holding free energy back from us. If there are energy conspiracies to overcome then lets give free energy some good names like zero-point energy! Zee Pee Eee? How about ether-mining? Magni-cap coupling? Water fortex sounds hip Schauberger. If you construct a river dam the energy becomes free. If you harness the bay and convert ocean tides to energy then this energy is free, too. If you reach around your electricity meter is there gold in them copper wires? |
'Zero-point energy' (ZPE) label is derived from geometry. A point of a needle touching a crystal demonstrated to couple "excess" or over-unity energy (Moray). Subsequent explanations appear to muggle the waters. This supporting article talks about the geometry of a point and the unique computability considerations of a zero-dimensional point. In ZPE the frequency is the key while geometry is a necessary component in some configurations. Of course, a crystal is geometry. In this topic the uniqueness of point geometry is discussed in a way that covers both electrons and Euclid
Schauberger's approach is different. Labeled 'implosion,' Schauberger energy extraction relies on a particular path of a motion of a physical substance such as water or air. Schauberger's model includes energy storage within matter that can be renewably extracted, particularly from and through water. Incommensurable numbers (irrationals and transcendentals) get to say what they have to say. This includes the most ubiquitous of all transcendentals, the Pi. Pi shares the property of the infinite mantissa with irrationals but its construction is different -- hence Pi belongs to a family of its own and is then a transcendental number. There is more to Pi than you learned anywhere, and here is more to the golden proportion, too. Golden proportion is about two numbers -- one irrational and the other rational -- and the interplay between the two makes things interesting. Quantum mechanics needs the virtual aspect of nonlocality. If you are not comfortable about things spreading and disappearing, you may want to take a look at the QM Primer. |
The conservation of energy is the law of nature that is simple and works for everybody. Energy can be transformed in full from one form to another and energy is, therefore, indestructible. Some forms of organized energy become manifest as real things and some do not. The sheer magnitude of energy available inside real matter testifies to the intelligence and effort that put matter together, but it may not be free for the taking. For our part, if an alien ship parks over some power lines and tops off without paying five and a half cents per kWh then our police should deal with that, technically speaking. It's great to visit some of the free energy sites. They are reporting anomaly after anomaly because these guys just don't have the model they can use to communicate. There is pure gold on some of these sites and this country has plenty of talent. |
Irrational numbers have not been neglected. Instead, irrationals are the most difficult to understand. Those who claim that Pythagoreans fear irrational numbers have but wishfull hopes of that because they themselves do not understand them. The benefits of irrationals go well, well beyond their definition. Irrationals are protected, guarded, and at times corrupted -- all for the purpose of keeping the applications and purposes of irrationals concealed. Irrationals have been concealed by Pythagoreans and this will continue to hold because irrationals are so difficult they will remain in hiding even if laying open on the table. Proclus appears to be the first and the only person who spoke correctly of irrationals, even including the inherent danger of irrationals. So, adopt a relaxed attitude and open up to irrationals through this topic. [Irrationals are about infinities and infinities are about gods. You could be in good company, but ..] Pursuit of free energy is about understanding the atomic structure and how the ether fits in. Electrons are happily making their jumps, and ever since Balmer there are equations that describe this behavior. The tractable structure of the atom is centered on transformations between curving (orbital) and straight (photonic) geometries. Yes, this is about the squaring of a circle, isn't it. If you think electrons are closer to chemical bonding, and thus peripheral to ZPE, it is because you think the core is but a static cluster. You work the numbers through operators expecting to get to something finite (bounded) and get there in finite time. Then you want something stable in a sense that this thing can adapt to stay that way and may even improve. There are two aspects to infinity and it can get complex. Start with how unbounded and infinite differ. Alchemy works with the separation and the interactions of the real and the virtual aspects around us to get at some real creations. |
People going for patents based on free energy could trip up on one simple thing. They claim free, excess, or over-unity energy and they will be always turned down. Over-unity energy can be had but such claim is analogous to the framework of the dam builder, who could claim his power plant is over-unity because the rain just comes down for free and drives his turbines. Energy can be derived from crystals and from within water, and if you don't skip on how the energy gets in there in the first place you will know you did not get the energy for free. By figuring out the surrounding knowledge you will understand where the energy is coming from and then the energy will possibly become free or nearly so. Some people simply cannot visualize that the virtual energy is renewable and useable. Such people need to hold on to something physical the likes of a lump of coal before they could make the energy connection. Matter is put together exceptionally well and it is okay to crunch it to figure out how it works, but matter cannot be destroyed on the conveyer belt just to make some heat out of it if you don't understand the down side. If you think the organization in the universe is continuously decreasing and you think it's okay to join in, then your ignorance is showing and you may as well reach the conclusion you are a prisoner on the material plane tossed here by the angry God who got tired of your excesses and arrogance. |
It is not possible to determine Dedekind's purpose in his pursuit of equating irrationals with real numbers, but he will remain a great example in muggling them. Some may wish his proof be accepted but those who do will be saddled with intractability. Tractability is the basic component of a solution and, just as you would not accept "eventually" as a solution, it is clear and without much argument that a Pythagorean would not accept a mathematical proof that is based on an intractable procedure. If anybody accepts or refers to Dedekind's proof as the equality of irrational and rational numbers, the same person is also saying that traveling forever is the same as getting there. Tractability is very close in meaning to reality while intractable methods scientists use guarantee that the reality will never happen. If you are into logic, you can make it stick with the argument: Since the (Dedekind's) proof of equivalence of rational and irrational numbers is based on an intractable procedure that happens at infinity (that is, never), does this in itself prove that rationals and irrrationals are not the same? [In case you did not notice, Dedekind is our favorite dumb math guy.] Irrationals are in a class of their own and bring their own and different benefits to the table. By working with irrationals directly -- that is, geometrically -- the infinity that is inherent in irrationals can in fact bring about tractability. Saying that ZPE was (and is ) muggled does not mean that wanton corruption of truth is taking place. We are, however, witnessing a push for one-upmanship that is narrow in its objective and that continues to grow the resentment. Muggling, then, includes: only-tangibles-have-energy (barrel of oil, we need uranium), red herrings (new highly efficient use of coal, hydrogen in the pipeline just like gas), debunking (nobody proved it), placing credentials ahead of merits (bring the invention to me-the-scientist and I'll decide if it's for real), pure power plays (convict him on fraud charges, have him leave the country), vernacular domination and name calling (pyramidiots), "sophisticated" humor (what was he smoking?), and the arm chair science (I am a skeptic, so dispel any and all of my doubts until I am satisfied, if ever). Another broad category of muggling is the reductionism, which takes out relevant variables by claiming they are not important or that they do not exist. The best example is the taking out of the ether early last century, which had a detrimental effect on the understanding of energy, but fortunately only the scientists took in this reduction. Should you be interested in an essay on ether it is presented here along with light. Another example of vernacular muggling is the renaming of 'incomposite' numbers of the Pythagorean origin into 'prime' numbers of today. The renaming reduced the meaning, and therefore the apparent application, of these numbers. |
Even as ether starts to get worked in the free energy context, there will always arise corrupting influences. A good example is Reich who tried to coin the label 'orgone' for ether -- thinking we needed another name. In his findings Reich spoke of a dead orgone, in line with his research on decaying organic matter. His other pursuit was 'cloud busting,' which also made the orgone dead. While it is likely that the 'cloud-busting cannon' does influence the clouds, his instructions to "change the gun operators when their faces turn blue or purple" is straight out of present day goth marketing. Ether cannot be or become dead. Ether is always ready to accept or give up its energy in a transformation context. Reich's books were officially burned. If you know just a bit about metaphysics you would not want to burn books -- abhorrent books in particular.
Development of new and radical technologies is about the integration of technology. Tesla and Edison, both techies, are good examples of that. Tesla won the first, the generation round driven by technology, while Edison won the distribution round driven by politics. Development of new technologies is not about NASA because these guys get their money for projects without the slightest concern for the return on investment. [Okay, NASA has a pen that works in weightlessness and if they get the cost down it could compete with a pencil.] Military, if you could believe it, has a better ROI, mostly because of the Internet and the emerging GPS. Today, super high efficiency generators may find a niche in tidal bays where low head pressure excludes just about all other technologies. Right now the virtual, or ether, formulation of energy is not well understood and is poorly recognized but patent issuance depends on claims. You can and sometimes you want to overtly protect forms and geometries through patent claims while staying away from "free" or "ether." Because ether's got a bad rap it is tough to use magic as one of your claims. With so many disconnects and holes in the understanding of ether it becomes difficult to enforce magic anyway. Shapes and forms and geometries are patentable and in fact are routine in airplane wing design patents. If you want to go for a patent (have financing not just for the patent but for the project), pay attention to geometries and make sure you are specific-general enough to capture the operating range without giving away much for a bypass. Some strategies exclude the disclosure of few key elements and thus obtaining patent coverage protection without allowing outright (if illegal) duplication. You do not want to take your manufacturing to China or Israel, for their low price bids reflect selling your designs to third parties. |
So, a simple cleanup will clear the clutter from the playing field: 1) ZPE is not about zero degree temperature (absolute zero). The conservation of energy holds at any temperature, period. This is trivia and that is why it is not germane to ZPE. Talking about zero degrees is about one scientist trying to educate another scientist. They need to convince each other that "something" continues to move because they cannot visualize energy without something moving -- that is, they cannot visualize energy without momentum. It appears academia comes up with these kinds of aids because they really do not know much about energy. If you say 'virtual energy,' it goes straight over and through their heads -- figuratively and literally, respectively and respectfully. Things are so bad even light is thought to have real momentum as it bounces, and the scientists are the last ones you want to talk to. 2) ZPE is not about two-dimensional and closely spaced sheets penetrated by vortexes or some such similar mechanism. This is but classical academia backfilling one theory with another. It is, actually, similar to throwing out ether and replacing it with fields except now it is the field that is getting thrown out. New name buys time but if you do not have it on the ball, and academia sure does not, new names look as if some leadership is going on but nothing will come of it. For those of you who are attached to the word 'field,' some scientists now use the phrase 'zero-point field' in their zero-temperature context. Yikes! Regarding ZPE (and gravitation, for that matter), nothing came out of 'fields' for 100 years, and nothing came out of Aristotle's "prime mover" for 1000 years (which is another name for a 'field' if you interpret scientifically). If this paragraph is slowing you down, you may want to shore up your foundation about fields. Vortex sounds impressive but it is a virtual, or data collection, operation and not a high, industrial-strength energy operation. If vortex is to be applied in the high energy context, it must be understood computationally. Note that Schauberger had to create vortex to get his implosion engines going but academia, in their divine stupidity, now thinks there are vortexes everywhere ready for picking. A vortex may be a remnant of "measure-all" Kelvin, who over hundred years ago talked about vortices for his model of the atom, which lost out to Planck's experiment-backed quantum mechanics. Overall, present day scientists are afraid to pursue atomic computability and prefer populist models that are derivatives of some "prime mover" or a "field," which they hope will fill the sail going but their way. The logical gateway for matter's existence is through mathematical tractability. Because matter's components behave tractably -- which includes reversible transformations of its components -- matter acquired a systemic (ongoing, repeatable, predictable) existence. If you think the vortex is a component of atom's systemic existence then it must mathematically contribute to the atom's stability [and my guess is that it does not]. Schauberger is difficult to understand because his language was not reviewed by the marketing department. One time he observed a trout doing interesting things in cold water and, after he somewhat figured out what was going on, he designed what he called the trout engine. The end result is that you now have another level of translation to go through. Then again, the marketing guy would call the sales guy and together they would call it the fish-a-majic, which it well may be. Schauberger's observation of an eagle fishing is extraordinary and his applications awesome. |
Our web site deals with computability (and more specific search for tractability) and this includes the organization of the virtual energy. It is most difficult to foresee the acceptance, understanding, and conversion of the virtual energy. Just as it was not possible to predict the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is not possible to forecast the time when relativity theories become burden no longer tolerated. The idea is that ideas move us forward while other ideas hold us back. But waiting or bringing about a catastrophe to get to a change is but one way of going about it. In a way you would not want to use ether energy just to heat your home because traveling to various planets is a distinct possibility. There are, then, different levels of organization or intelligence associated with energy. If you hear people defining ZPE as being 'isotropic' or 'homogenious,' then these are scientists talking who are as usual desperate for simplifying and simplistic explanations. But you can also feel that putting a new label on things will not do -- in the past or today. The extraction of ZPE has its root in transformations and energy cannot be transformed from something homogenious or isotropic. At times you may think that scientists are putting out red herrings in an attempt to protect the real thing. Not to worry. Scientists are using but their left brain and they are as transparent and as thick as glass. The intelligence of the virtual (or ether) energy is in its ability to exist in unbounded octaves, infinitely sculpted spatial frequencies, and infinite frequency profiles. Another way of seeing the virtual energy is that it is a multi-variable conglomerate. ZPE is a component of the virtual energy that is specific to the atomic geometry. The ability to connect to -- and transform -- virtual energy into real energy through the atom's zero-dimensional (odd) and axial (even) symmetries. In a simple example, scientists understand electrical energy as a potential (or "pressure", voltage) of electrons. But another form of the electron's energy is in the electron's ability to have vibrations. The mental challenge is to appreciate that these vibrations are not physical. Scientists have been earth-bound for so long it is likely they will never figure out ZPE. They may even fight others because their inability to understand it is just too much to face. |
That should do it as far as theories go. The next step is more radical. Close down all national plasma labs. What these institutions have done is that they created a paid constituency for the promotion of nonsense and in fact use good money to make lives of many a scientist and inventor miserable. These institutions institutionalized the idea that only big spending and big effort can produce the next generation of energy resources. Very close to a communist model, with the former Soviet Union licking its chops the idea should occur to us that we might be next. None of these labs created anything and students who trained in them now have a skewed perception of reality as well (that includes the plasma lab here at MIT). Because the idea of the virtual energy generates a combative reaction in the "I cannot do it but my way" crowd, then off with their heads is the way to go.
Plasma research is a good example of left-brain thinking. Early ZPE experiments indicated that plasma was a good thing -- a promoter, so to speak. So now the same logic that came up with the big bang also came up with the idea that if little plasma helps, a lot of plasma will help a lot. All this in spite of early indications that the plasma thing was highly nonlinear and that a little plasma goes a long way. In one free energy case (Brown), excess plasma raised so many problems the approach was abandoned. In another case, plasma-generating radioactive material was in time replaced with non-radioactive coil promoter. But the universities could not help but hijack some guy's garage work, write a few papers promising this and that about plasma, and off they went. By now the universities should know what a dead horse looks like. Yet after all this my guess is that they still do not know the role of plasma in ZPE. Yet after all this they will never know the role of plasma because of their institutional mindset. Not all is gloom. We should take credit for shutting down high energy super this or that collider at George Bush Sr. time. Perhaps we can learn from the Australians. They never had an atom-smashing program and their ZPE work with new energy devices is showing promise. Perhaps the Aussies never had the excess baggage to get rid of. So, concentrate on small businesses. These guys fought valiantly against the model of big government. But that is only a part. Presently, small business as always needs to partner with big(er) business. This may work fine in general but we are talking about innovation and growth, which national labs could not deliver for 100 years. Big business cannot figure it out because they are looking to national labs for leadership. The present trend, then, ought to be decentralization with a potential empowerment of the individual; that is the cool fusion of the conflict resolution and advancement. |
All projects based on the presumption that light puts pressure on a mirror are fraudulent because it is not possible to pretend otherwise since the mid-1960's the in-your-face test is available. The failure to acknowledge the absence of pressure that laser is supposed to put on a mirror could be pathetic or pathological or anywhere in between. In any case, solar sailing and its derivative projects the likes of gravity waves have guaranteed negative return on investment. The hope, then, is that God is more into universal love than into management. If the Iraq and Iran conflict is not about oil, let's understand it that way: The ether energy initiative has commenced. It is time to tell the terrorists their slavery model is out -- and they with it. ZPE and Schauberger's energy vortex are smoldering for close to hundred years now but once the conditions (read leadership) are okay, the Renaissance 2 will play.
Renaissance happened despite the in-place and active Inquisition (the original secret police with the power almost that of the SS), the ongoing propaganda machine from the pulpit (the original mass media) and the external control and the threat of the Muslims (the original bad guys and the 'nyet' guys -- yes, communism is Muslim's proxy). Not coincidentally, the Dark Ages of Europe is the Golden Age in Islam's history. Renaissance is the victory of the spirit, which can never be confined by designs of men. Renaissance is well documented in the historical context. No author, however, makes a connection between the coming of the Renaissance and the Tarot deck, likely because so many writers had much urge to connect the successful phenomenon of the Tarot to their own agenda. |
all narratives about Pythagoreans come up with a dramatization of
the Pythagorean discovery of irrational numbers
-- called originally the incommensurable numbers. Subsequently, about
150 years ago, incommensurables were divided into irrationals and
transcendentals (but don't think in terms of good-bad until you read
the apps-oriented intro to (in)commensurable
numbers.) The presumption is that Pythagoreans put so much
emphasis on rational numbers that the emergence of irrationals was a
shock to them. The second presumption is that this worried them so
much it led to a coverup. Culled from sympathetic or unsympathetic
sources, somebody invariably gets drowned or symbolically buried for
talking too much -- and the motivation for somebody's drowning is no
longer in the name of the protection of the intellectual property
but, supposedly, fear. Pythagoreans are suddenly afraid of numbers,
particularly because irrationals are "not rational." The
story now brings in outsiders who exploit the fear and move in on
Pythagoreans; mob rules and fires consume. Pythagorean secrecy makes
it easier for any scenario to be plausible. Pythagoreans, we are led
to believe, turned on their own mother the number. In the end,
Pythagoreans are labeled a cult or mystics or sorcerers but most
writers summarily forgive them all and give the Pythagoreans credit
for this or that. Further, the idea that Pythagoreans 'elevated rational numbers above all else' is a good example of reductionist thinking. It is the operation of rationing Pythagoreans espoused as witnessed by the rationing of musical strings and tones these produced. Rationing was subsequently applied to planetary orbits and the 'harmony of the heavenly spheres' concept that was one the the major forces of the Renaissance. Presently, trigonometric functions are nothing but ratios and an angle can be either rational or irrational. Pentagram was and is a Pythagorean symbol full of golden proportions. The golden ratio is a ratio of one irrational and one rational number, and it is quite likely Pythagoreans worked with all kinds of numbers with excitement and a flair for discovery. (Quantum Pythagoreans book deals with rationing in terms of normalization and subsequent transformation framework of the left-right brain interchange.) A case can be made that those who disliked Pythagoreans were the ones who feared the Pythagorean discovery of irrationals. Pythagoreans were doing something with numbers the rest of the guys did not understand. In the search of showing how supposedly upset or afraid Pythagoreans were about irrational numbers, the mainstream mathematician shows his own shortcomings. In fact, the critique of Pythagoreans reveals the character of the author, for the secrecy surrounding Pythagorean discoveries did not call on Pythagoreans to lie to or mislead the outsiders, or whitewash their own Pythagorean School findings. Perhaps the present day mathematician is describing the present state of affairs. For example, some math writers claim that Pythagoreans were afraid of irrationals because they called them the 'unspeakables.' Translating from Greek ALOGON, 'unspeakable' is also translated as 'unutterable,' but the present mathematician does not mention another possibility -- 'nonverbal.' It is easy to see that 'nonverbal' is superior to the other two translations. One cannot speak the irrational number because the number goes on and on and no speaker could ever finish pronouncing any irrational number. Even today the computer will run out of memory and the mathematician out of paper before they could write down a single irrational number. If anything, Pythagoreans were quite descriptive about these numbers and today could call them the 'unwriteables.' If a today's Pythagorean were to describe the irrational number as 'unprintable,' it would not mean that these numbers are not "worth the print," and it certainly would not mean that irrationals are "obscene." With a reductionist mindset, some math writers proclaim that the Pythagorean label of 'unspeakable' meant that Pythagoreans were hiding their anxiety through secrecy. Not being on the inside of the Pythagoreans' secrets, these writers describe the present day mathematicians who are hiding their ignorance by dumbing down and debunking someone else going back twenty five hundred years. None of the math writers today are smart enough to see that Pythagoreans understood and described the irrational numbers the way they really are: infinite. Pythagoreans pursue the truth in the universe building and universe sustaining context. The Pythagorean way is then also a way to salvation and becoming. This is an all-encompassing topic but fighting among various religions also raises the issue of politics. There is no doubt Pythagoreans were considered a threat from the "fight for the soul" perspective. Many, if not most, religions see their goal as the "capture of the soul" or the "enslavement of the soul." Because the separation of the church and state is but a recent phenomena -- and not wide spread at that -- the misinformation about Pythagoreans' worries or other apparent shortcomings will then have a political component rather than a merit-based component. Cabala proponents also have hard time with the Pythagorean 'numbers first' and 'geometry first' because their god Hu [yes, that's his name] loves to talk and creates with words -- whereas Pythagoreans know words alone would not and could not create a single irrational or transcendental number -- all combinatorial aspects notwithstanding. In the beginning was and is a number. Numbers spawn geometry and operators, while tractable (stable) computing also gave rise to degrees of independence and their limits. Numbers are abstract entities that became by creating the heaven and the earth, the virtual and the real, the basic duality of the universe.
If you want to pursue this in more depth, you will need the Book of Thoth, authored by the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic Thoth. It is said the spells within give men power over the gods, above or below. All said, we do not fancy deferring to magic and so we decided to bring Thoth onto the platform of geometry. It is easy enough to do when working the squaring of a circle. There is one more thing that may easily get by you. Incommensurables (irrationals and transcendentals) are not infinite because they could have infinite mantissa. It is the infinity that makes them incommensurable. You can truncate an irrational number to make it a real number, but so what? If that's all there is to it, why would incommensurables have the infinite mantissa to begin with? If you are a Pythagorean, you know that numbers (can) become, for you know the priority and you know what leads and what follows. For example, one triangle with the golden proportions has the angle of 72 degrees. Many people then get excited about the number 72 having some unique, if not magical, properties. Yet the number 72 issues from the circle having 360 degrees and the number 360 is arbitrary and a circle can have any number of degrees. Partitioning of a circle gets you into the micro domain once you appreciate you are working with point symmetry in general and atomic orbitals (or core spin) in particular and you will be working with transcendentals and irrationals -- in their infinite manifestation. |
Tesla's inventive genius is in electricity generation, particularly in his alternating current (AC) method combined with multi-phasing. In this electricity generation component, Nikola Tesla is well understood and no claims are made regarding free energy. Then there is Tesla and his wireless electricity/energy distribution inventions. This part begins to look more like 'free energy' effort, as we consider the cold currents that penetrate electrical insulators with ease and are reminiscent of several free energy devices. Tesla's end-user lamps also employ unique geometries in the interception of his wireless energy distribution schema (not coincidentally they all have a central metallic point). Pumping energy into ether at one location and retrieving it at another location also did not claim free energy, but it definitely was based on ether and not on the electromagnetic (that is photonic) radiation his pal Marconi applied so successfully to signal, low power transmission. (Scientists cannot admit Tesla worked with ether, so don't bother with the scientists. The October(?) 2005 article "explaining" Tesla energy distribution in the Scientific American is a good example of present day pseudoscience.) Tesla's energy distribution arrangement was man-made and at times it "leaked" with sparks, which did not help its acceptance. (Pulsing and spiking interrupters made it way freakin' broadband that likely had an effect across the entire globe [The Tunguska incident a candidate of inadvertent destruction of an alien ship].) Tesla's methods are well worth improving but what is appropriate for the free energy aspect of this article is the search for energies that are already modulated onto ether. These energies, then, have utility not only as heat and light once converted to the real energy, but also as energies that help with the navigation in the virtual domain. You will find much additional information on the Internet regarding free energy. On this site there is a summary of other energy articles.
Historical Note: The principle of the semiconductor was first observed with "anomalous" electrical behavior of plasma-associated metal salts (not plasma by itself), several decades before the actual solid state semiconductor was produced without plasma in 1947. Inertia is a mechanism that enforces the conservation of real energy. By imparting energy onto a real (mass) object, such energy is now transformed into a moving energy that is momentum. The property of inertia is much abused by scientists, likely because they do not understand it and think you do not understand it either. A new definition of inertia is simple and there is indeed a connection to free energy because the process of engaging inertia is about the real-virtual energy transformation. Perhaps the most difficult and ingrained image to overcome is that of the mechanical energy. In some peoples' minds something must be physically moving or rotating in order to be the generator or the source of energy. Schauberger transformation method is based on physical movement and it certainly is one way of going about it. But energy can also be obtained through a static systems because the energy transformation could also be -- via geometry and only via geometry -- from the virtual to the electrical or from the virtual to mechanical, and a movement can be elicited directly. In your mind, you may want to accept that something could commence moving by transforming the virtual energy that is already present in ether. Such transformation, then, is completely static and golden proportions as well as squaring the circle are the other angles for getting there.
Go Presently enlarged with reference links, this article was first posted, and is now archived, as November 2004 Essay. © 2005 -- 2013 Backbone Consultants Inc. Copyrights Information Last update April 21, 2013