New Millennium Technology Targets
Reading Attitude Zero
Reading Attitude One
Reading Attitude Two
Attitude Three
Attitude Four
Attitude Five
Attitude Six
I. Quantum computing
Superluminal space travel
Self-organizing computing able to organic systems working at macro scale. Leveraging the organized (computable) behavior of the atom, the constructs such as pyramid geometries are brought in to deal with the infinite. New computing modules will be based on unique geometric constructions, for geometry is the only way to address the infinite. (Virtual entities -- that is, wavefunctions, exist in infinite superposition.) Continue..
IV. New atomic
core materials You will need to understand the geometry that enables the creation of molecules from an atom (the hyperstar) to appreciate how to make matter, including new matter. Continue..
V. Antimatter.
Electron and positron You will go farther by pursuing the logical links that make sense rather than subscribing to self-serving theories of the scientists, which have a significant soap box money funding component. For example, if the "positron" was first discovered in the laboratory's vapor chamber -- and there are plenty of pictures showing and claiming just that -- how could it keep on traveling making a vapor trail if it is supposed to annihilate as soon as it encounters matter? Scientists make many theories of convenience, particularly since the theories for nonexistent black holes match the possibly degenerate imagination -- if not the reality -- of some people. It is totally unacceptable to have government supported science deal with knowledge corruption directed at its own population. Q: Who, may I ask, will grow the economy in the long run? A: Those who know how to leverage the truth. The creation of antimatter is impossible to comprehend if general relativity is in your mind. The existence of a singularity of a black hole is acceptable in the present (corrupted) physics and you'll blow right by antimatter. That is, general relativity is clueless about antimatter and happily ignores it. General relativity also ignores spin. In a purely psychological context, the baseline is that antimatter and spin exist in reality but black holes are inferred. General relativity ignores reality while presumptions are taken as real -- classic mind dysfunction. Getting rid of general relativity should be your first task. Hawking tries to save the black hole by giving it a "leak," but it is too little and way too late because he never considers matter to be a computational entity in the first place. You should expect Hawking to stay away from antimatter because too much of his work is invested in black holes. Hawking is a living example of mind perversion. This is okay if you don't take him seriously -- but again, he does look the part. Because tractability is a necessary condition for the conservation of energy within the atom, and since the compression of matter degrades tractability, there is a mechanism that resolves the potential singularity of matter: Before a black hole could possibly form, some matter converts to antimatter and annihilates in a supernova explosion. The mainstream science explanation is that a nova is -- well, they do not have an explanation for a ball ("old" sun) that jumps (explodes) higher that the height from which it was released. Academia's silly talk is about an "old" sun that is allowed to expand beyond its initial boundaries which, as is usual with academia, ignores where the energy for the destructive explosion comes from. In actuality, the energy for the supernova explosion comes from the irreversible matter-to-energy conversion.
Also look at Black Hole My Foot where the energy-mass relationship is shown to be irreversible. Once matter converts to energy -- that's it -- and matter always converts to energy if it cannot remain tractable on an electron or proton level. Another way of looking at antimatter is through computability. Because matter is created computationally, it can be uncreated computationally. There exists, then, no privileged position for matter. Matter is a mathematical creation -- really a mathematical solution among several variables, for the math solution is a tractable result. Mathematics, however, is not a panacea and math can be corrupted or be inadequate just as any discipline. For example, geometry vs. arithmetic is being debated for good 2800 years but no resolution exists and probably ever will be. There is no clear understanding on the advantages of geometry because the underlying incommensurable (irrational and transcendental) numbers are not understood -- and incommensurable numbers are not presently applied. There appears no defense against antimatter. However, since antimatter is inherently a corrupted matter that is no longer tractable, the defense against antimatter (really X or gamma hard radiation arising from annihilation) would be based on healing or fixing the corrupted matter into good (normal) matter. In the Quantum Pythagoreans book the antimatter healing is described -- and it includes both the necessary geometric constructs and the process. Science writers are just that -- people who are good writing about science. A science writer can write volumes about people, discoveries, and theories, but none of them question what they write about. Science writers do not ask questions -- they do not even delete the material that is conflicting. The nature of science writing today is reporting -- echoing or mimicking or popularizing what somebody else thinks is happening. The success of the Internet happened because you do not get only the stuff somebody is paying the writer for you to see. Answering the question: 'Where does antimatter come from?' is answered by: 'breaking down real and normal matter,' or by 'compressing matter into a small volume where it no longer remains tractable,' or similar corruption or interference with normal, everyday matter. This is also the primary mechanism that limits the size of all suns. The healing of the antimatter recovers the energy that was put into the creation of antimatter. Yes, you can take the "positron" and make it back into an electron, and get heat in the process. Putting positron in quotes is a hint -- think Sphinx (and if you want to go all the way to the source [of the Nile], think Tefnut). |
Quantum computing Fundamentally you don't want to emulate basic arithmetic operations with quantum machines because you want to take advantage of the concurrent and infinite superposition. We take the photon and use it to establish the environment for quantum computing. By now, we know that each and every photon is virtual and, in fact, there is no real photon. See Laser Beam Can(not) Move a Mirror. Photonic energy is but one form of energy. The etheric energy is another kind. There is a double wall here: Ether is not supposed to exist and then the question of etheric energy is moot. The full explanation of ether is in the Quantum Pythagoreans book (it takes more than a few paragraphs to deal with it). The real hint comes from crop circles and the manifestation of energy, which is neither mechanical or photonic. So, the topic of quantum computing is limited here to photonic energy because it does not require me to deal with its existence and more complex properties. For example, photonic reduction is instantaneous but etheric reduction is nearly instantaneous. Once the photon is realized (reduced, absorbed), it is no longer a photon but a known quantity of mechanical energy or electrical energy -- both of which can be easily converted to heat. Photon can be branched (stemmed) in which case there exists a virtual correlated/convolved link to each branch of the photon. [The awesome property of the virtual domain, and that of a photon, is that the convolution property is not an abstraction or emulation, but it is an actual and existing property that carries with it the ability to collapse/reduce instantly.] When either/any of the previously-stemmed photon component is realized, the linkage instantaneously reduces and the energy is realized at one locality only. It is the virtual potentia that propagate [yes, at lightspeed] in different directions once the photon is stemmed, and the realization of the entire photon happens at one locality. (Gravitational wavefunctions also propagate in virtual superposition and also reduce instantaneously but, unlike a photon, gravitational realization occurs in two locations and, like everything else, the realization is in the context of the conservation of momentum -- that is, equal and opposite.) The photon relates to other entities but the photon must cross the discontinuity to the real domain if its own virtual energy is to decrease or increase. In the virtual domain, the photon continues to correlate but its total energy (virtual momentum) remains the same (stays constant). In the virtual domain, light continues on a straight path even though it continuously relates with other virtual entities. Photon can change its path without becoming real through the interaction with matter only -- think electrons, both free and atomic. Photon can terminate its path by becoming the real heat energy through the interaction with matter. Then there is (de)coherence. Coherence is a very interesting property, for coherence is a necessary condition for computability when entities are in the virtual domain. Coherence and symmetry are related. Decoherence is usually associated with the transition from virtual to real, yet the entity still manages to remain (continues to be) computable in the real domain. To make something out of it you want to arrive at tractable solutions (chaos, for example is computable but not tractable). Computability and tractability is tied to the conservation of energy that manages the transitions between the real and the virtual. Since energy in the real domain is measurable (it is, after all, real) but is not directly measurable in the virtual domain, the concept of tractable computing has a more general meaning than energy (energy is subordinated to tractable computing). Note that energy is conserved since the virtual energy exists as a photon and can materialize as real energy in its entirety only. Tractable computing, then, is a necessary and sufficient condition for the conservation of energy. After all this you want to figure out that the atomic photon moves in 1D but photons themselves can exist in more than 1D. Now, the major divide is whether you are into atom building or navigating. As a builder you will need geometry, circle squaring, ancient Egyptian fractions, and move it onto the pyramid constructs. As a navigator you will be dealing with crystals and how massive amounts of storage can be accessed and concurrently analyzed. There is more to crystals, particularly once you figure out that speed and crystal dimensions are dependent. I've heard of mushrooms and such for navigation but do not give it much weight. Mushrooms are similar to caffeine if you think caffeine helps you work smarter. Because you are dealing with infinities, chemicals will have a rather specific, and possibly introductory, applications. Think unique geometric constructions and that brings you back to crystals. If you think the crystal changes its size as a function of its speed, you are well on your way.
How do you get over the one-two punch?: 1) Real rockets, if bounded, cannot exceed the speed of light. The increase in speed of a real thing is about the conservation of real (mechanical) energy and not about superluminal travel. 2) The propagation of (new) information does not exceed the speed of light either. |
Superluminal space travel (cont.) |
First differentiator: |
For a real thing
There is a presumption here that the reduction of a wavefunction results in the actual appearance of matter. A hint comes from supernova explosion where a dust cloud (matter) appears to be receding away from the explosion at speeds exceeding the speed of light. Since we limit the speed of matter to 'c,' the dust cloud from the supernova explosion is not speeding matter but, rather, a manifestation of instantaneous appearance of matter that is compensating for the discontinuous reduction (destruction) of the sun's mass. It can be compared to a shock wave that temporarily creates matter in its wake. |
Riding a wavefunction is the only way to bypass the lightspeed limit and you cannot do it within the real domain. Gravity reversal and vectoring is the first step. Making right degree turns is the second step and it's child's play compared to riding the ultimate wave. It is the like-ness (rather than the unlike) of information that allows you to "spread the wing" in superluminal fashion. Once you are near the destination -- not necessarily physically but through the superposition of the target and your own wavefuntion -- you'll need to transform (reduce) back to the real domain. Quantum computing will need to be developed to greater maturity to be able to anticipate or control the onset of the reduction, predict/guess the area of realization, position oneself properly for the event and thus channel into the event. Quantum computing is founded in geometry because that's the only way of tractably dealing with incommensurable numbers. Since the reduction is closely associated with physical disturbances, the superluminal travel holds many perils. Different galactic configurations entail different computing methods since the organizing knowledge of each galaxy is different. (It is possible to use your brain instead of the quantum computer but be prepared for the strangest of the strange.) The intergalactic transfer is, therefore, somewhat easier than the intragalactic one, although the intergalactic jump may require moving closer to the eye of the departing galaxy (distance-wise, you might be going zig-zag the likes of a butterfly -- yes, this is a hint). |
Since the galactic organization recycles matter from the eye outward, the transfer toward the eye is the more difficult in that it allows a smaller number of opportunities. This technology has many shades of gray that, technically, makes it open ended. As always, the systems approach makes the day. There are other peril contributors such as antimatter creation and the possibility of materializing in the black hyperstate. The craft needs to be in the virtual domain to start with. There, computations determine the percentage of its partial bounding to gauge the onset of the transfer. Full bounding is equivalent to being fully materialized while no bounding yields the greatest diffusion into the virtual and the greatest degree of superposition (here are the wings again). You must know where you are going because in the virtual domain the like-like will overlay. One also needs to be on the relevant side of the hyperbole or you might slide back. In principle, one needs to superpose with the wave that has (hundreds of) lightyears of reach to facilitate long distance transfers (hence the emphasis on the galactic eye). You know you are there when you "see" unique markers. Yes, this requires that someone has been there before and placed or constructed the marker there. The marker is geometric in nature and must be unique. It usually contains sharp junctions of different materials such as crystaline (granite) and amorphous (limestone) stone, for the structre has to interact with your energizing sensors. Pyramids are the favorites, particularly the needle type and the giveaways are the embossed or hollowed-out structures on its surface with dimensions allowing standing waves. Another structures are parallel lines, which provide a gratings effect but this calls for a larger area. Not having a marker is okay but if your knowledge of the destination is vague, your materialization could be off target and more difficult to reach. An interesting aspect is the navigational reckoning after materialization and the actual influencing of the reduction. A good way of seeing the reduction is a transformation into the material plane (think Pythagorean Tetractys) through self-modulation. For larger ships, discontinuous events such as quakes could be collateral effects. Self-test:-) So you want to go to "Gamma Globulin" star system and you tell the captain, correctly, it is 555.5 light-years from here and show him/her/it the star, too. With only these directions would you get there in less than a week? Well, consider that you have to transition into the virtual domain first and once there the distance as well as the direction parameters are not there. And so you'll have to supply some other kind of information. Think associations (and how you get them). You are in the category of the Operations of the Stars and yes, there are Operations of the Moon and Operations of the Sun. These are alchemical labels but they are helpful. In summary, the transition into virtual is a necessary first step because only in the virtual domain we and the ship are also nonlocal. The cohesion of a spread out entity in the virtual domain is logical. |
Self-organizing computing On the physical level, there exists a premise of the unbounded spatial distance that results in the micro (atomic) and macro (cosmic) manifestations of reality, both of which are subject to the hyperstates template. On the organic level, a rich palette of relationships facilitates local self-organization, provided there is access to near-infinite database. [Database replaces spatial distance. There is a tangent here on the critical/existential need for biological diversity (not just humans) because the full understanding of this may come on the downturn and likely too late.] Electronics hold the promise of approximating the organic, yet direct optical and electron computing will eventually take its place. The key is the capture and quantification of hidden/unknown variables that are relevant to the task at hand because the present Turing machine can only search for unknown ("hidden") variables in an exhaustive and likely intractable manner. QM's unbounded (really infinite) concurrency allows the inclusion of all variables. (Self-test:-) If you thought of this before you read it, you are in good shape. The emulation of the neuron is certainly long overdue. Academia bickering (really ignorance) put this issue on back burner but the industry is taking up the slack. Neuron separates the dependent and the independent variables and settles on a group of independent variables that produces a (1)predictable and (2)useful outcome. The time it takes to clue in from its variables before the neuron fully transitions ("fires") is adjusted as part of the neuron's ongoing tuning (rather than self-organizing) process. The lack of neuron emulation points to a significant gap in our understanding of self-organization. Presently, we are thrashing about with atom-source qubits (cryo, NMR, the works) and cellular automata, but deep under we know these efforts have nothing to do with our brain because the atomic formations are finite, it's bound in low hundreds. Cellular automaton will not reach its final pattern any faster next time around -- there are no organizing or thinking aspects here. (Cellular automaton is but a detour with marginal benefit.) Fibonacci sequence, although found in nature, is local by its own definition. The golden ratio is important for the intercept of the cosmic energies that facilitates sustenance but now we are talking about self-organization, which is about the increase in organization. While there may be some gains in the pursuit of the atomic superposition, neuron has {1}inherent closure of the loop (feedback) and {2}network/backbone structuring, neither of which can be realized with the atomic-level QM. On the atomic level, we struggle to preserve a particular fixed arrangement while coaxing it to perform some QM tricks. The neuron's organizational - that is computational - result is the network's topology per se. That is, the organizational result is the formation of the topology itself. So it is back to geometry. (For inanimate matter on the cosmic/macro scale, there are eleven major topologies corresponding to the eleven hyperstates.) There is no national policy on neuron's mathematical emulation. It is also a sensitive area because the advances will go well past those of a mechanical robot. Self-organizing computing deals with the balance between the real and the virtual computational methods. You will also need to seed the objective. The real domain gives you one result while the virtual domain -- via pyramid geometry -- gives you the result on infinite superposition. The bottom line is that self-organization happens when the real and virtual domains are in balance -- that is, they are conflict-free. |
The unbounded spatial distance is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the organization of inanimate matter on the macro level. The same can be said for atomic organization, for if all matter within the atom were to realize and became fully bounded, the electron scaled to the size of the grain of sand would orbit the core the size of a baseball out there in the bleachers. The differentiation begins by taking the overall goal of organization: "Make it tractable that is doable in real-time in the context of the conservation of energy." We are not concerned what the constituent components of matter are, but what their properties need to be to obtain a solution (or two ..) in another topological arrangement. The acceptance of the new definition of a scientific method is necessary because one needs to appreciate the implications of unbounded concurrency. Materia can exist in both the real and virtual domains. In the real domain matter has exclusive properties and it appears we "must" break into the core to modify it in some way. That is, however, the macho way of going about it, and this way you break it but don't make it. Once you appreciate the geometric implications of tractability, the low-temp fusion work may become classified. But the cat [Sphinx] may be out of the bag. This may seem like mumbo jumbo but once you figure out that the 'strong nuclear force' is really not static, the jumbo will clear up nicely. |
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