Building Universe With The Creator


"Next to gravitation, light is the most difficult to understand. In addition to the separation of the real and the virtual, one also needs to get into the electron. Forces inside the atom are not gravitational but nevertheless there is force there that involves light."

Why complicate things if we don't have to? Why didn't you use gravitational force inside the atom as well? After all, it looks like we are negotiating the exchange of real and virtual energy once again?

"Let me defer that and sum up what happened yesterday. We have the virtual aspect of the universe, which is about knowledge. Then we have the real part, which is about order. Yesterday, the gravitational force worked out nicely as a conduit between the real energy and the virtual energy and now we can treat both the real and the virtual as equals, even though each of them has a different purpose."

The knowledge, then, is stored somewhere. You said yesterday we could save virtual energy in the energy bank. I guess it would be a virtual bank?

"I am glad you are looking forward to this creation and your patience shows that. Yes indeed. I needed storage, lots of storage. Memory on top of memory. All that knowledge has to be here and, also, it needs to be available to everybody and to everything! You can imagine when I said 'Move,' some things did not know how to move and conserve energy at the same time. The idea, of course, is that the universe had to get going and the universe must rework its own parts while growing as a whole. Well, I knew we all had to start small. On the atomic scale, that is. I was looking for something that could easily pop in and out of the virtual. Something that would feel equally at home as a virtual entity and a real particle. I am very proud of the electron now, but at the time the electron was a show stopper. You see, the electron in the virtual domain can associate freely just like any other knowledge. But it also needs to stick around sometimes. The electron has the toughest job because it needs to have inclusive and exclusive properties. Electron needs to relate with memory to access knowledge and also needs to have mass that stands on its own, unchanging. Gravitational force is between real things and if I got the electron sometimes real and sometimes virtual then I would get the gravitational force appear suddenly as a function of energy rather than distance and that's why I had to get on with the electric charge instead.

The electron, in its virtual state, can have a broad range of virtual energy. When it transits to real, each electron then has its own fill of real energy. Because I created the electron as a whole entity capable of standing alone, the electron can become fully real only with a particular minimum amount of energy."

I know the answer is light, but I do not see why. Electron does not have the energy conservation issue going from real to virtual because in the virtual the electron can have smoothly varying values of virtual energy. So now we have transition asymmetry.

Fully real electron is the same thing as a free electron and I can see that a free electron can be had only with a certain minimum energy that is equivalent in some way to the electron's mass. What you are also saying is that the electron can have less real energy but then it is only partially real and can exist as such only inside the atom.

"When electron jumps from one energy level of an atom to another energy level, it does it to perpetuate the atom's exclusive and real existence. But the electron cannot jump directly from one level to another. Electron first transitions from real to virtual in its entirety and then from virtual to real. Now your answer comes in because light is the excess of virtual energy the electron has when transitioning from virtual to real. If the electron does not have enough virtual energy it does not jump."

Two comments. First, the electron passing through the virtual domain is a supposition. Second, you are saying that light is virtual energy. How come I can see and feel light if it is virtual?

"Think about the conservation of energy and how the conservation is enforced, because it is not done on paper or in somebody's head. You need memory to compute the energy balances and matter needs the virtual domain for storage and comparison. The real component is exclusive and does not, cannot, relate to other things and give you the answer.

Light is virtual and the fact that light can be superimposed without bound is the only hint you need. When light is absorbed it transitions to real energy as heat and that is how we feel it and that is one way light can do real work. If light is not absorbed it remains virtual and as such relates to optics that may be in its way. In order to actually see light, it must be converted to real energy in the eye's retina — that is, inside matter. Being virtual, light never gets tired going through space. But not even light can be both real and virtual. Each photon of light makes its own transition.

What is very fundamental here is that no entity can be both real and virtual at the same time. The electron can have half of its free electron energy as real energy but once it has any real energy it can have no virtual energy. Light, then, is the balance of the energy in virtual form which the real electron could not have once it jumped to another level."


"Real and virtual have different goals, purposes, functions, and parameters. If you combine them or mix them, they will give you mixed up results."


"Because they interact with the environment in different ways and, therefore, have different perspectives. They each think differently."


"Neither the real or the virtual can figure out all the answers by themselves. But together they can if they are allowed to work independently. Most of the time, however, real and virtual must be kept apart consciously and actively."

Sounds mysterious. Real and virtual must be separated but they have to be put together to be useful. What puts it all together once the real and the virtual come up with their separate answers?

"For inorganic matter, the comparisons of the separate answers must add up to the conservation of real and virtual energy."

And if it does not?

"Virtual energy converts to antimatter and we go supernova. We then get a lot of photons of light because previously stable real matter converts to energy. The conservation of real and virtual energy prevails even if it means we only get light. The creation of antimatter is a separate topic and it is something I leave to everybody and everything to figure out on their own."

Why is that?

"Antimatter is not something that is easily understood. In many ways, antimatter is unavoidable and at times necessary and at times helpful in a larger context. Having said that, there is no going back once the matter is destroyed because both the knowledge and the real thing is gone."

What about tomorrow?

"What about it?"

I thought perhaps we can create planets and orbits and harmonize the whole thing. Personally, I would like to know about superluminal traveling ship — I mean, really, not just imagining

"That may take more than a day. I like the way you put it, though, because first one needs to know how to build things right and in balance to avoid chaos."


On second day the Magician created light and said onto all: "All will see light when matter is created, sustained, or destroyed — and the wise will know the difference."


First day:
The Creator on knowledge

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